EU Agency with headquarters in Cologne

 - KölnBusiness
Dr Christian Ehler (MEP), Manfred Janssen (GF KölnBusiness), Henriette Reker (Mayor of Cologne), Bernd Fesel (Interim CEO EIT Culture & Creativity), Dr. Johanna Leissner (Scientific Representative of the Fraunhofer Institutes IAP, IBP, ICT, IGB, IMW and ISC | Cultural Heritage and Sustainability Network), Egbert Rühl (GF Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft), Anna Spechtenhauser (European Office Stuttgart Region).


The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is opening the headquarters of its innovation community for the creative industries (KKW), EIT Culture & Creativity in short, in Cologne. From its headquarters, it will connect various partners in order to promote creative thinking and innovation in the industry across Europe. The City of Cologne as well as KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderung (Cologne business promotion agency) have actively supported the establishment of EIT Culture & Creativity in Cologne.



  • EIT Culture & Creativity will become the central innovation agency for the creative industries of the European Union.
  • The City of Cologne as well as KölnBusiness worked in close cooperation and asserted themselves in the competition regarding the choice of the site.
  • Second EU facility in Cologne following EASA


In close coordination between the City of Cologne and KölnBusiness, the Cologne location was able to assert itself in the competition for the prestigious establishment. After EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency), this will be the second EU facility establishing in Cologne. The agency is currently in the foundation phase. It is planned to position the agency as the central innovation agency for the creative industries of the European Union and to establish it as an economically independent entity within the next 15 years. Over the next few years, the EU will provide up to 70 million euros per year to achieve this aim.


From January 2024, up to 40 employees in Cologne will promote industry innovation across Europe. The focus will therefore be on establishing an interdisciplinary innovation community across all 15 creative industries - the first European network for innovation and excellence in education, research and business. For instance, EIT Culture & Creativity aims at systematically promoting approximately 30 new degree programmes and 200 continuing education offerings, as well as around 1,000 founders and start-ups. Furthermore, companies in the creative industries will be supported in their digital and green transformation. A further priority is the increase in investments in companies in the creative and cultural industries in Europe, namely from currently estimated 30 billion euros to over 50 billion euros per year.


"In 2020, the European Commission declared the creative industries (with approximately 550 billion euros in gross value added) to be an essential ecosystem for Europe's economic strategy. With EIT Culture & Creativity, the European Commission is establishing a pan-European structure for the innovative power of the entire creative industries for the first time - for all small and large, profit and non-profit stakeholders. This is a one-time opportunity for the creative industries and for Europe," said Bernd Fesel, Interim Chief Executive Officer of EIT Culture & Creativity. "We are pleased to be able to drive these endeavours forward from Cologne in the future, in collaboration with our regional centres and offices in Barcelona, Amsterdam, Helsinki, Košice, Vienna and Bologna."


Real estate brokerage and active involvement in shaping EIT on the part of KölnBusiness


In its search for a location and real estate, EIT Creativity & Culture is supported by KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderung. KölnBusiness also functions as an interface with the municipality and assists with applications and approval issues. In addition, KölnBusiness will actively support the work of EIT, for instance by actively contributing to the development of funding programs. Funding applications may be submitted in the course of 2023. Stakeholders in the creative industries across Europe are eligible to apply, from sole proprietors and artists to universities, research institutions, cultural institutions, and global companies.


"I am very pleased to welcome EIT Culture & Creativity to Cologne, a high-profile agency of the European Union," said Henriette Reker, Mayor of the City of Cologne. "It not only strengthens the city's European identity in a particular way, but also provides precious pan-European networking opportunities for Cologne-based companies in the creative industries as well as our universities. A European innovation community for the creative industries will strengthen and enrich the industry, not only in Cologne but also across Europe."


Establishment of EIT makes Cologne an important player in Europe’s cultural and creative economy


“Approximately 10,000 companies in Cologne generate annual sales of around 9.5 billion euros in the creative industries and create employment for around 60,000 people," says Manfred Janssen, Managing Director of KölnBusiness. "The Cologne network is already confidently and successfully serving international markets. The establishment of EIT in Cologne will make the city an even more important player in Europe’s cultural and creative economy and provide further important stimuli for the industry."


 - KölnBusiness

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