Towards a sustainable metropolis

 - KölnBusiness


Cologne wants to be carbon neutral by 2035. The right strategy is already in place with " Kölner Perspektiven 2030+", a compass for forward-looking, strategic, and sustainable urban development. The business community and the city administration can make a crucial contribution, and we look at four examples of commitment to the city's path to becoming a truly sustainable metropolis:


A boost with impact

The company Capacura, founded by Ina and Ingo Dahme, specifically supports impact startups and brings them together with investors. "Impact" means that the companies want to use their ideas to have a positive effect on people, society and the environment, and are committed to at least one of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). "We want to inspire people to invest with us in sustainable projects," says Ingo Dahme. Working with startups is so exciting for Capacura mainly because, if they are well positioned, they grow very quickly. "If they also have some kind of impact anchored, it means you can combine financial return with impact return very well." One of the companies in Capacura's portfolio, for example, is everwave. The young company uses innovative technology to clean rivers of plastic waste, keeping it out of the ocean. Another is eevie, a developer of software that enables large companies to plan and run scalable climate campaigns for their employees. It also measures the impact on nature and the environment.

Before Capacura invests in a startup, there is a thorough, data-driven process. After an initial review of the idea, timing, strategy, business model and team using specialised AI software, each startup is then reviewed in person. Only about 0.3 per cent of the candidates make it to the final round and are presented to the investment committee, which then makes the final decision.


Leading by example

Exemplary: everwave's waste collection platform collects plastic waste from rivers.
© everwave GmbH
Municipal companies are also helping to make Cologne more sustainable. One example is RheinEnergie. The energy supplier aims to make its entire water, electricity, and heat supply carbon neutral by 2035. 

Together with the City of Cologne, RheinEnergie has launched the joint project SmartCity Cologne. Under the motto "Implementing the energy turnaround together", Cologne-based companies, private individuals, associations, and public authorities are working together towards a sustainable energy supply. The project is testing technologies and services that will shape the future of environmentally conscious urban living.

Meanwhile, the iResilience research project has been working with residents to explore ideas, practices, and technologies to help urban neighbourhoods better adapt to the impacts of climate change, such as heavy rainfall, prolonged heat waves and storms. In a laboratory in Cologne-Deutz, different groups have been developing a wide range of solutions since the project began. A climate app, urban gardens, water reservoirs, awnings and other shade-providing devices will help to make Deutz more climate-friendly. Another important aspect is informing and educating citizens - for example, on how to protect their cellars from heavy rain or which roofs are suitable for planting greenery.


Harnessing the power of the sun

The city of Cologne has launched a solar initiative. The "Building Renovation and Renewable Energies - Climate-friendly Housing" programme has a budget of €20 million. "We want to help as many homeowners as possible to save energy and protect our climate. Every solar system installed on the roofs of Cologne counts on the way to climate neutrality," says William Wolfgramm, Councillor for Environment, Climate and Real Estate of the City of Cologne. Subsidies are available for photovoltaic systems, battery storage, plug-in solar devices, and green roofs.


Promoting groundbreaking ideas

With the Cologne Framework, KölnBusiness promotes pioneering ideas for the Cologne economy. The sub-programme [Sustainable Innovations] is aimed at companies that are on their way to CO2 neutrality and provides grants of 6,000 to 10,000 euros per project to support measures to increase resource efficiency, protect the climate and reduce environmental pollution. In this way, KölnBusiness enables companies to invest in energy optimisation, climate-neutral value chains or entry into the circular economy.


 - KölnBusiness

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