
Cologne is a vibrant business metropolis and the largest city in Germany's most important economic region. On this page you will find the latest news from the business location, for example about company settlements and startups in Cologne. If you yourself are interested in setting up a business in Cologne, please feel free to contact us.

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KölnBusiness welcomes new companies to Cologne

We recently had the pleasure to welcome companies and startups which have settled in Cologne in the past few years.

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Cologne startup ecosystem robust despite crises

Despite the economic crisis, Cologne's startup landscape continued to develop positively in 2022.

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"Cologne is very young and offers a lively culture"

Dr Carsten Schildknecht, CEO of Zurich Group Germany, talks about the company's new headquarters Cologne.


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EU Agency with headquarters in Cologne

The EIT is opening the headquarters of its innovation community for the creative industries (KKW) in Cologne.

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Monrol builds production plant in Cologne

Turkish biotechnology company, one of the leading global companies in nuclear medicine, invests 30 million Euro.

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